The glamping resort in the Bliesgau biosphere considers itself a natural hotel, providing ‘accommodation close to nature’ in what are known as transportable glamping homes. The transportable homes are the rooms and the meadow is the corridor.
Reserved rooms are available from 4 p.m. on the day of arrival and until 11 a.m. on the day of departure. We are entitled to allocate reserved rooms elsewhere after 6.oo p.m., unless a later arrival has been expressly agreed.
The guest accommodation contract is concluded as soon as the purchaser/guest has ordered the room and the lodging establishment has confirmed the order. The conclusion of the guest admission contract obliges the contracting parties to fulfil the contract, regardless of the duration of the contract. The contract cannot be unilaterally dissolved. Cancellations must be in writing.
There is no entitlement to certain rooms or spaces. If confirmed rooms/areas are not available, we can also provide approximately equivalent replacements in another establishment. For group bookings, the service recipient is obliged to make the list of participants available to the glamping resort up to 4 days before the group’s arrival.
If the guest/purchaser is a registered trader, the agreed prices shall apply in all cases. If the customer is not also the guest, the customer shall be liable in the event of non-utilisation.
No verbal agreements are made. Any changes or additions must be made in writing to be effective.
Local brochures and descriptions of the holiday properties, hotel brochures that are not published by the glamping resort, are not binding for the resort and its performance obligation, unless they have been made the object of the performance description by express agreement with the customer.
If after conclusion of the contract it turns out that the contract concluded with the customer/organiser threatens to jeopardise smooth business operations, the security or the reputation of the resort, the resort can terminate the contract without notice.
Reservations can only be guaranteed by prior payment by credit card.
Our invoices are due immediately, at the latest on departure without deduction. Cheques, credit cards and other means of payment will only be accepted on account of performance – with the exception of credit cards accepted by us – by prior agreement only. For trade fairs, travel groups or for justified reasons we are entitled to demand advance payments of at least 100 % of the accommodation costs.
The guest is obliged to pay the agreed or standard room price for the entire duration of the contract. This also applies if the room has not been used. If reserved rooms are not used, we will charge the agreed price, unless we were able to allocate the reserved rooms elsewhere. The guest has the right to prove a greater or lower level of loss.
11. Cancellation policy
Withdrawal from or cancellation of the contract concluded with the resort requires the written consent of the resort. If this is not obtained, the agreed price from the contract must be paid even if the customer does not make use of contractual services.
Cancellations of individual reservations up to 14 days before arrival are possible free of charge.
If the customer books the early booking rate, free cancellation is not possible. When booking the normal rate, free cancellation is possible up to 14 days before arrival. When booking the long-stay offer, free cancellation is possible up to 21 days before arrival.
Cancellations of groups (from 5 persons) are free of charge up to 60 days before the booked day of arrival.
For cancellations of groups (from 5 persons) from the 59th day before the arrival date, 50% of the accommodation price will be charged. For cancellations made between the 14th and 4th day before the day of arrival, we charge 70% of the accommodation price. For cancellations up to the 3rd day before arrival, we charge the full accommodation price less 20%.
The resort undertakes in good faith to allocate unused rooms elsewhere if possible in order to avoid losses.
If a customer’s right of withdrawal has been agreed in writing within a certain period, the resort is entitled to withdraw from the contract during this period if there are requests from other customers for the houses booked under the contract and the customer does not waive his right of withdrawal at the request of the resort. Furthermore, the resort is entitled to withdraw from the contract extraordinarily for objectively justified reasons, for example if force majeure or other circumstances beyond the resort’s control make the performance of the contract impossible; rooms are booked with misleading or incorrect information regarding material facts, e.g. in the person of the customer, or purpose; the resort has a legitimate reason to believe that the use of the accommodation may jeopardise the smooth operation, safety or public image of the resort, without this being attributable to the resort’s area of control or organisation;
Our liability is governed by §§ 701-703 BGB (German Federal Code); liability for other reasons is excluded, unless the damage was caused by us intentionally or through gross negligence.
Should any provision of the General Terms and Conditions prove to be invalid or void, this shall not constitute the invalidity of the entire contract with the otherwise validly agreed General Terms and Conditions. The contracting parties undertake to replace any clause which proves to be invalid or ineffective with an agreement whose content comes as close as possible in terms of its economic purpose to the purpose of the invalid clause.
Place of performance and jurisdiction in Saarbrücken